Wednesday, June 29, 2005

i just found the strangest site
Its like a missing childrens page.. but quilts. quick, go now. There might be one in your house!

Friday, June 24, 2005

"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." - Albert Einstein

Saturday, June 18, 2005

oh and ..

and i really need to update my buttons and links and stuff. and figure out why i cantget the photos for a template i found to work. i uploaded it to Flikr AND to Hello! and neither works. Sigh. Isnt it pretty though?
I havent posted all week, not because I'm forgetful. Or because I'm soooo busy (eating, sleeping, watching tv, sleeping, naping, sleeping, watching movies) But because i have nothing to say outside of the typical whiny bullshit most sick people have to say. Till now.
I adore Six Feet Under. I forgot how much i love that show. Its the best show ever. It totally kicks every other shows ass. It makes you laugh. It makes you cry. It makes you think. Not to mention captivating. And its not in the typical cheesy movie way either. I like watching it, like i love reading a good book. Its the same rush of a great story. But you get to watch it, and hear it unfold. Sometimes i expeect to hear the brush of a page between scenes. (Thats how you read books too, right? They whisk you off to another world.. and it plays out in your head like a movie no one else can see... Um if i sound nuts.. be kind. I'm sick *cough * cough* remember?)
Um.. knitting. Im 3 rows away from starting the heel on the Cabled Baby Sock. I know, crappy, but its hard to concentrate when im sick. Especially when its the kind of sick i actually break down and go to the dr for. which happens, umm never. Last time i went to the Dr i had a brown recluse bite. Before that.. well. Id call the citcumstances equal in severity.
ok. energy gone. back to bed i go. minus the six feet under marathon. Half a season in a day isnt bad ... right?? Shows some reastraint. Oh i made some hot fudge sauce tonight. It wasnt great. But it wasnt awful. Needed to be dark or semi sweet cocoa powder if that exists. And thicker. Like the kind you get in a jar thats like paste. um. yummy chocolate paste of course. anyway. bed. I'll thrill you later.

Monday, June 13, 2005

And I guess I had more to say

Oh, and you know what sucks about being sick? You feel like you're a million years old. Watering my garden, not even by hand - except for the pots, totally wore me out. And that's about all I've done today. I've eaten. But not happily, since everything tastes like air. And all I can feel is the texture on my tongue and in my mouth. Its odd. I haven't noticed a lack of taste like this when I've been sick before. Sure, things wouldn't taste right. Or be sorta bland. But things seriously taste like nothing. Blech. Knitting news you ask?
Well, I knit(ed?)3 rows on the Baby Bootie. Including one that was a cross over row. But then I had to put it down and take a nap. Apparently brain / hand activity is too much for me. Talk about useless. Its driving me crazy. I didn't get much done that I planned on this weekend. And there's weed coming up in my garden, and little things like that I need to do, but don't dare. :/
I've got stuff for some RAOKs too, but I'm missing a couple "ingredients". Michaels & Hobby Lobby are out of them, and now that I'm sick, I don't need to go try to hunt down the other thing I wanted to get. Sigh. I don't see me going to doggy class tmrw. I don't think I can handle it. But we'll see. Ill prbly go to see what I'm missing. If I can talk at all. Otherwise, I ll just catch up next week. mollies already doin better than most of em I think. I hope I'm ok by wends though. I really wanna go to SnB. But I also don't wanna make anyone else sick. :/ If I don't feel better, or god forbid, worse, in the am I'm going to go to the dr. Which I never do. So that should tell ya how bad I feel. Id tough it out if it weren't for this throat and fever. That's the worst of it. Ok I'm done now.

As I Feared

I'm officially hardcore sick. My throat isn't supposed to hurt like this. I have no tonsils. I slept awful last night. I had a fever, that didn't break til this evening. And I had chills and hot flashes all night. I ended up splitting the difference clothes wise to combat that. bc as soon as I took off or added a blanket, or stuck a limb out from under them, the opposite would happen. Id be too cool. Or be too hot. So all night I dreamed I was topless in public. And kept wondering why everyone was talking to me so much. Lol. But it wasn't a "hey my face is up here" kinda thing. It was like an ice breaker or something. I dunno. It was the most normal dream I've had though.Since mine are usually some sort of Magnolia-esque movie feel. Real life, with lots more imagination and less filler too. Have I mentioned I had a knitting dream the other night?? While I was knitting baby stuff like a machine, I dreamed I was knitting. Going through the hand movements and reading a pattern and the whole 9. That's when I realized I might need to let it marinate a bit. And move on to some other crafty endeavors. I so need to get a sewing machine. I think 90% of the other crafty stuff I wanna do requires one. Or some stellar hand sewing abilities. Which strangely enough I don't have. I can do it, but its craptastic. I can embroider like you wouldn't believe, but cant sew to save my life. At least not anything you'd actually want to hold up to any sort or wear and tear. Ummm I think I'll stop now. My medicated ramblings are wearing me out. I'm headed back to bed. Maybe I will sleep for more than an hour. That'd be pretty sweet.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

I had such high aspirations for today... (btw ranting and slightly foul language ahead!)

Mollie would just not let me sleep last night. She wanted up, she wanted down. She wanted in she wanted out. She wanted to play, play, play. And im sorry. when i want to go to bed, I WANT TO GO TO BED. Shes a damn dog! Not a baby. And its nto like she didnt get played with yesterday. SHe even got a car ride. Thats a pretty sweet doggy day. So wtf. And it continued into the morning. And as ussual around here, morning actually starts closer to noon than midnight. After 4 am, i gave up doggie duty, and passed out. Sorry bout your luck mom. but its damn time you take some doggie resposibility around here. Since she sits in YOUR lap all damn day, and im the one that takes care of everything around here ::anyway::.
I woke up feeling like hell. And I sound like a man. But a kind friend, who happens to be a man, said i just sound like Angelina Jolie. So, um, I'll take that.
I thought I was gonna get some killer yard stuff done today. Since i wont have much time to this week, but i guess not. If my nose doesnt stop dripping im going to cut it off. Did i mention the headache that totally feels like a hangover? Yeah. Just shoot me already. I cant even knit. I started the second Better Than Booties Cabled Baby Sock (Interweave Knits, Summer 05) and i only got 5 rows in before i gave up. But, it was 5 rows with barely a foul stitch to undo. So, not too shabby I guess.
I feel totally useless. I hate that feeling. I'm going to try to get some sleep now. Cross your fingers that its not like last night, mmm kay? Thanks

Thursday, June 09, 2005

That Patons cotton colors yarn got me to thinking about making a shrug. But just hasnt worked out with anything ive tried yet. And then i ran accross the Glampyre Minisweater (aka: boobholder) pattern, and decided i need one of those. Which as it happens, I have enough stash yarn for several. I started looking for buttons and broches to use as a clasp and founf a neat flower one that is enamled with the colors in some yarn in a green/blue/ivory 3 ply i got from Elabeth awhile back.
Double stranding the sock weight yarn that is working great. Ans working up pretty quickly too. To get gauge i had to go up to 10 1/2's. (it calls for a 9) So maybe I'll have it done in time to wear to stitch n bitch. Which is now meeting on wendsdays btw.
Ummm thats all i can think of for now. (can you say space case?)
Other than that, im in a crafty slump. If i want to do somethign i cant seem to find all the "ingredients". Or it just doesnt want to work for me.
Still need to sew the ribbon on the baby stuff. *blush* They'll have it before he's grown in to it, I promise!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Clapotis es fini!

I just took her off the needles. Shes a bit shorter than id hoped.... Blocking might fix that. If not, I have almost a whole skein left. So i might just un finish it and work osme more straight rows. I'll post pics when its blocked and pretty.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

In the home stretch...

Clapotis is now in the decrease section. The rows are flying by, and it feels like every few mins im zipping down more dropped stitches. I love it! I think she will be done by tuesday.
The garter stitch baby stuff is done. Well. Almost. It needs ribbon attatched. But it will be done as soon as I find a box to put the Kangaroo and stuff in.
Um, how boring and to the point is this post? Can you tell I'm worn out? Gawd. I'll spare you and end it now.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Run down of my day so far...

I rolled outta bed at 9 to take Mollie to the groomer... And it was alreasdy eighty million degrees and humid out. Just kill me. I was gonna go right home but there were all these yard sale signs... so i stopped at a couple. I got 12 skeins of Pattons Cotton Colors for $10. Yay! Um, not that i know what im makin with it or anything like that. But does that matter? Nope!
Theres also a cemente turtle ridign around in the back of my car that weighs a ton. He isnt very big, but damn, is cemente heavy! Its gonna take some creativity to get that sucker outta there. In the mean time, i hope he enjoys the ride.
And someday, when im not such a lazy ass about sitting on the phone for ten years talking to tech ppl about my poor camera, I'll be able to share pictures of all the lovely things ive been making and growing. Til then they'll also have to sit and wait on me, but in my camera rather than my trunk.
Looks like I'm going to spend a good part of my day waiting around. Too bad its saturday or i could call about the camera. Does it take anyone else 3 hrs to get ready? My mom has always been like this on saturdays. Its like she thinks the day will never end and she can sit in the bathroom futsing around oin the mirror and cleaning and doing laundry even when we've got somewehre to be. Lord. I could ahve done everything we we're going to do twice by now!
But um, enough bitching. Its been a good day. i'm going to go work on some RAOK's now. Watch out!

Friday, June 03, 2005


N as in NORM
VeN, Seattle

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I left for Home Depot and came home with a dog

After I ate dinner, I decided to go to Home Depot and check out their Clematis, bc I found a wrought iron trellis this weekend to use in front of an ugly gas meter in my neighbors yard that detracts from my new garden.
And I had just pulled off of my street, when I saw this dog cross in front of some cars near a stop sign. She kept getting to one side, then after everyone started moving again shed decide to cross a different way. I'm near a pretty busy street, and she kept stopping traffic. She finally slowed down once she got in a neighborhood and I got her to come to me.
She was a lovely little pit bull I'll call Lucy. (Because she looked like a Lucille/Lucy to me) She let me pick her up, so I took her to my car. She rode real well, and didn't want to get out when I got her home. I got Lucy into the back yard, and had to find Mollie's old clip leash and yard stake since she decided my garden was a great place to sink her paws into.
She was the sweetest dog ever, and Mollie hated her. I eventually had to take Lucy and her stake into the front yard. Mollie would NOT quit barking at her. I'm sure she's got a sore little poodle throat right now.
We had to call the human society, bc I couldn't keep her here and wait for someone to claim her. Even though I wanted to put up signs and call all the vets and things. And cross my fingers that no one was looking for her.
If no one adopts her, she's coming back home. I already miss her...