Saturday, June 18, 2005

I havent posted all week, not because I'm forgetful. Or because I'm soooo busy (eating, sleeping, watching tv, sleeping, naping, sleeping, watching movies) But because i have nothing to say outside of the typical whiny bullshit most sick people have to say. Till now.
I adore Six Feet Under. I forgot how much i love that show. Its the best show ever. It totally kicks every other shows ass. It makes you laugh. It makes you cry. It makes you think. Not to mention captivating. And its not in the typical cheesy movie way either. I like watching it, like i love reading a good book. Its the same rush of a great story. But you get to watch it, and hear it unfold. Sometimes i expeect to hear the brush of a page between scenes. (Thats how you read books too, right? They whisk you off to another world.. and it plays out in your head like a movie no one else can see... Um if i sound nuts.. be kind. I'm sick *cough * cough* remember?)
Um.. knitting. Im 3 rows away from starting the heel on the Cabled Baby Sock. I know, crappy, but its hard to concentrate when im sick. Especially when its the kind of sick i actually break down and go to the dr for. which happens, umm never. Last time i went to the Dr i had a brown recluse bite. Before that.. well. Id call the citcumstances equal in severity.
ok. energy gone. back to bed i go. minus the six feet under marathon. Half a season in a day isnt bad ... right?? Shows some reastraint. Oh i made some hot fudge sauce tonight. It wasnt great. But it wasnt awful. Needed to be dark or semi sweet cocoa powder if that exists. And thicker. Like the kind you get in a jar thats like paste. um. yummy chocolate paste of course. anyway. bed. I'll thrill you later.


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