Saturday, June 04, 2005

Run down of my day so far...

I rolled outta bed at 9 to take Mollie to the groomer... And it was alreasdy eighty million degrees and humid out. Just kill me. I was gonna go right home but there were all these yard sale signs... so i stopped at a couple. I got 12 skeins of Pattons Cotton Colors for $10. Yay! Um, not that i know what im makin with it or anything like that. But does that matter? Nope!
Theres also a cemente turtle ridign around in the back of my car that weighs a ton. He isnt very big, but damn, is cemente heavy! Its gonna take some creativity to get that sucker outta there. In the mean time, i hope he enjoys the ride.
And someday, when im not such a lazy ass about sitting on the phone for ten years talking to tech ppl about my poor camera, I'll be able to share pictures of all the lovely things ive been making and growing. Til then they'll also have to sit and wait on me, but in my camera rather than my trunk.
Looks like I'm going to spend a good part of my day waiting around. Too bad its saturday or i could call about the camera. Does it take anyone else 3 hrs to get ready? My mom has always been like this on saturdays. Its like she thinks the day will never end and she can sit in the bathroom futsing around oin the mirror and cleaning and doing laundry even when we've got somewehre to be. Lord. I could ahve done everything we we're going to do twice by now!
But um, enough bitching. Its been a good day. i'm going to go work on some RAOK's now. Watch out!


Blogger Elabeth said...

There is a trombone riding around in my car.

9:31 PM  

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