Friday, April 22, 2005

Clapotis Check In

This is my lovely Clapotis. Yes, yes i know. I have it too. Shes much further along right now, but i dotn have a pic od her. This is at the end of the Inc section. im almost done with the straight rows and am now out of yarn. So shes on stand by til i can run up to fayettville and get more. I should only need one more skein, but im going to get two just in case.
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Baby Gifting!

This is the adorable kangaroo (complete with a joey) that i got for a friends baby. If you pull the joey, it plays music! how cute is that?

Back of a baby sweater I'm working on for the same friends baby. The fronts are on the needles right now, but im stuck. Im trying to get an argyle on them, and my color skills arent up to par. Rip # 3 and counting.

This is my knitting basket, currently occupied by my helpful sheepy and the yarn im using for the baby argyle. Main color is white. Ribbing is in the blue, as well as in the over crosses of the argyle. daimonds are in the green tan and yellow. and dont worry, its not a total argyle. just a strip of them accross the chest. I think im also going to make matching booties with a green diamond at the center, and half the yellow and tan on either side with a blue strap. But we'll see. At this rate, he'll be 15 before im done!
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Friday, April 15, 2005

Read me please!

I am going to help Candyce teach a crochet class at the local Boy's and Girl's Club, and we need help raising the funds for it since charging a fee for it wouldnt be such a hot idea because it might exclude some kids that cant swing the fee. If you're interested in helping, check this out.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

yay procrastination!

Remind me about this if i ever start talking about wallpapering or putting up a border myself EVER again. Pulling down wallpaper sucks. So does putting up borders. And prepasted my ass! It doesnt count if it wont stick to the wall!! Has anyone ever hung a borer on a painted wall? Because any hints or tips would be very appreciated. Short of just calling some one else in to do something i should be able to do.
I feel like a monkey trying to earn a bananna doing something i cant possibly master. Im super crafty, and good not just passable at most everything i do. So why can i not seem to hang a stupid border!?!? I've hung drywall. I've built shelving. I've painted anything that would stand still. And i took down wallpaper in the same room that was hung with super industrial paste from the 70s. plus three otehr layers of paste beneath that! Just to do a stupid suede paint. Which, by the way doesnt go on so well at the ceiling line. Its super hard to do. Which is why i decided a border would be the way to go to cover it up... BAD idea folks. Bad idea. But I will figure this out. Because thats how i am. But it doesnt mean ill ever do it again...

Monday, April 04, 2005

Heres Allans' Noro Kureyon beanie and scarf... yes, thats the best pic i could get. It looks better in person, but the stitch pattern is hard to get in detail.
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Here's some lace weight yarn I koolaid dyed a few days ago.
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Saturday, April 02, 2005

here's to ROAK!

I just opened my email, and there was a GC for Adagio Teas sent to me by Lisa Y ! How sweet was that? Totally brightend my day. :D

Friday, April 01, 2005


I feel awful. I have enough pain medication in me to knock out a horse and im still cramping. The phone wont stop ringing. And everyone needs something. Cant sleep. And when i can,. its not good sleep. Just shoot me already. Im sure it's crossed some minds already.
BTW, does any one want to run to the store for me? Id really like to make some peanut butter fudge.. but i dont have the right milk. damn it.
And i have pictures to put up here. but theyre stuck in my camera at the moment, and i dont think now is a good time to wrestle them out since im quite fond of said camera.
but pictures mean ive made progress on some of those projects right? well, yes... and no.
now i think my supposedly attention starved poodle and i are going back to bed.